Thursday, May 6, 2010

Breast Cancer – Problem Faced By Women

There was a time when Breast Cancer was termed to be as a dreaded disease. But things have changed now. If detected earlier, this could be easily treated. Removal of your breast during the treatment of breast cancer can be one of the painful things you would have to go through. It may not be the same case for all patients. With the increasing knowledge about the cures and treatment breast cancer can be treated very easily.

Breast cancer occurs when cell in our breasts known as tumor grow out of control causing damage to the nearby tissues and spreads throughout. These tumors which are cancerous are known as malignant tumors and cause lot of damage to your body. As it takes lot of time for a tumor to grow, it may not be easy to detect the tumor during self exam. But these can be detected with mammograms.

Breast cancers best treatment - early detection. Once, cancer is detected it becomes easier for the doctors and yourself to fight it out. By the age of 20 all women should start doing Breast Self Examination (BSE) it is one of most easiest and earliest ways of detecting cancer. These check ups should be done few days after your periods. You should do this check up at least once a month. A clinical breast exam should be done at least once a year.

Some of the signs to look for, while doing BSE

-A lump found in and around the nipple or underarm
-Change in size or shape
-Nipple discharge or nipple turning inward
-Redness of skin or warmth
-Formation of dimple or change in skin texture

Some of the causes of having breast cancer

Gender: Being a woman is one of the common reasons for suffering from breast cancer. Event though men suffer from this disease too, just being a woman puts you in lot of danger.

Age: As you grow older your chances of having breast cancer increases.

Family history: If somebody in the family has suffered from breast cancer your chances of having breast cancer increases.

Being overweight or obese: If you are an overweight women your chances of breast cancer increases after menopause.

Lack of exercise: Being lethargic and lack of any physical activity leads you towards increasing weight and chances of breast cancer

Alcohol: Drinking alcohol becomes very risky as it increases your chances of breast cancer

Methods to Prevent Breast Cancer

-Turn into a vegetarian
-Have plenty of organic food and vegetables
-Avoid red meat and any processed foods
-Avoid alcohol and colas
-You can have something sweet by having Stevia, an herb which is a substitute to any other toxic artificial sweetener
-Having whole grains is very good such as Oatmeal, Kamut and Psyllium, which are a good source of fiber and enters directly into your bloodstream
-Your diet must include wheat, bran and Cabbage as they are very nutritious food which helps to prevent breast cancer
-Garlic, Ginger, carrots, celery, cilantro, parsley and parsnip has some of the highest cancer fighting nutrients. Include them in your daily diet.

Antiperspirants And Breast Cancer

Most underarm antiperspirants contain as the active ingredient, Aluminium Chlorohydrate, as you will probably remember there has been controversy about Aluminium, since the 1950's when it was a popular metal used for making cooking pots, Saucepans and Fry Pans and that it could be one of the contributing factors to Alzheimer's, now we have another problem that could also be related to Aluminium, Breast Cancer.

Research shows that one of the leading causes of Breast Cancer could be the use of antiperspirants. The human body has a number of areas, that it uses to purge Toxins from the body, these are, behind the knees, behind the ears, the groin area, and the armpits. The toxins are purged from the body in the form of perspiration and antiperspirant as the name clearly suggests prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body from purging Toxins from the armpit area.

These Toxin do not just disappear, Instead, the body deposits them in the Lymph Nodes below the arms, since it is unable to sweat them out. A concentration of Toxins then builds up in the areas such as the armpits, which can then lead to cell mutations, which is cancer.

It cannot be ignored, that nearly all Breast Cancer Tumors occur in the upper outer quadrant of the breast area, this is where the Lymph Nodes are located. Men are less likely (but not totally exempt) to develop breast cancer prompted by the use of antiperspirants, because the antiperspirant is more likely to be caught in the armpit hair, rather than directly applied to the skin, but ladies, who shave their armpits, increase the risk by causing imperceptible nicks in the skin, which allow the chemicals to enter easily into the body through the armpits.

This article is aimed mainly at ladies, but please be aware that there are a few antiperspirants on the market that are made from natural products, but basically they would still trap the Toxins in the same areas. The best solution is to use deodorants, rather than antiperspirants, also please remember that the Eight Essential Sugars in Glyconutrients can also help to fight off Toxins.

There is a lot of controversy about this article, the medical profession scoff at the idea, and so do big business, but then again there are huge numbers of people that scoff at the problems associated with Fluoride in drinking water. You can make up your own mind on whether there is something in this article or not, I know that if I was a lady, I would keep clear of Antiperspirants. I realize that Doctors everywhere, do a marvelous job, and they are appreciated, but they are reluctant to look at the bigger picture, also please remember that the fourth largest killer of people in the western world is prescription drugs.

Alternative breast cancer natural herbal treatment

In recent years, there's been an explosion of life-saving treatment in an alternative way with natural and herbal medicine advances against breast cancer, bringing new hope and excitement. Instead of only one or two options, today there's an overwhelming menu of treatment choices that fight the complex mix of cells in each individual cancer.

Let me ask you a question before you start reading this article:

If I could show you a natural cancer fighting strategy that when used alone or when coupled with conventional treatments could kill your cancer - would you be willing to spend 15 minutes reading and listening to the audio of the patients. This potentially is a life changing report?

If you answered NO, then I wish you the best of luck with your doctor.

If you answered YES, then go ahead and read this report.  Do not simply skim over it or skip around from section to section - but read it word for word.  There is some cancer fighting information here.  You won't want to miss a thing.

Finding out that you or a loved one has breast cancer can be absolutely terrifying. However, once you understand the causes of breast cancer and learn how to reverse those causes, you or your loved one can have more than a fighting chance of beating breast cancer. Unfortunately, these strategies can't help everyone survive, but if the person using these strategies has enough time left so that they can start to work, quite often they reverse their cancer.

Now, because you chose to read this report in its entirety - this tells me two things about you.

   1. You want an aggressive no-holds barred approach to skyrocket your chances of survival beyond the ordinary.

   2. You realize conventional treatments may not do the trick alone, and can potentially batter your body, destroy your health and possibly ruin you financially.

A Breast Cancer Survivor says that “We fight cancer everyday...and we never give up.”

We know you are fighting for your life. At Cancer Treatment Centers and our mission is to arm you with every choice and offer you every chance.

Aggressive research, innovative new therapies, and highly-trained, experienced cancer practitioner of conventional treatment work to provide each patient with a personalized treatment plan, based on his or her unique medical condition, needs and desires.

Breast Cancer Treatment
There is hope. Some about treatment options available to you.
Alternative Cancer Treatments
Alternative cancer treatments that counter the underlying causes of cancer, help relieve pain, reduce side effects and help the immune system to more effectively fight cancer.

Let me be in brief about the things

What this cancer exactly is?
Cancer cells are always being created in the body. It's an ongoing process that has gone on for eons. In fact, the immune system developed components whose job it is to seek out and destroy cancer cells.
Cancer is not a mysterious disease that suddenly attacks you out of the blue, something that you can't do anything about. It has definite causes that you can correct if your body has enough time, and if you take action to change the internal environment to one that creates health, not cancer, while at the same time attacking cancerous cells and tumors by exploiting their weaknesses.

How we came across this disease?
Cancer has been around as long as mankind, but only in the second half of the 20th century did the number of cancer cases explodes. Contributing to this explosion are the huge amounts of toxins and pollutants we are exposed to, high stress lifestyles that zap the immune system, poor quality junk food that's full of pesticides, irradiated and now genetically modified, pathogens, electromagnetic stress, lights and just about anything that wasn't around 200 years ago. All these weaken the immune system, and alter the internal environment in the body to an environment that promotes the growth of cancer.
Cancer tumors begin when more cancerous cells are being created than an overworked, depleted immune system can destroy.
Constant exposure to tens of thousands of man made chemicals from birth onward, chlorinated and fluoridated water, electromagnetic radiation, pesticides and other toxins, leads to the creation of too many free radicals and excessive numbers of cancerous cells.
Alone this would be enough to raise cancer levels, but combined with an immune system weakened by a diet of refined and over processed food, mineral depleted soils, and too much exposure to artificial light at night, the immune system at some point no longer is able to keep cancer in check and it starts to grow in your body.

Did you know about this?
Research shows that the immune system needy 9 1/2 hours of sleep in total darkness to recharge completely. When was the last time you had enough sleep?

As a result of all this stress on our bodies and the overload of toxins, what you get is a malfunctioning immune system and a body that is not capable of destroying the excessive numbers of cancerous cells that develop. Some, sooner or later, survive and multiply. And then you have cancer.

Overcoming cancer is a process of reversing the conditions that allowed the cancer to develop, and going after and killing cancerous cells.

The exact causes don't have to be known, though certainly the more varied the approaches taken to correct those conditions, the more likely you are going to hit on what works best in a particular case. What needs to be done is to strongly and dramatically interrupt and reverse these cancer-causing conditions so that the body becomes healthier, and no longer capable of breeding cancer.

The more cancer there is, the more serious the condition -- meaning much has to be done -- fast. In your personal situation it may be too late, or it may not. No one knows where that cutoff point is as even advanced cases can turn around. 

This report acts like a suggestor to you. The most important things you can do for your health is to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. But much, much more potent.

One of the basics of fighting cancer is going on a fairly low carbohydrate diet, especially sugars and refined carbohydrates, because they digest extremely fast and flood the body. Your body must then produce a lot of insulin to get the sugar into cells fast, and this feeds the cancer cells just what they like to eat.

10 Strategies to focus on when fighting cancer...

1.Kill Them Naturally And Safely Without Harming Your Body
2.Increasing Oxygen Levels In Your Body And Cells Can Literally Kill Cancerous Cells
3.Normalizing pH Levels which Can Stop Cancer In Its Tracks
4.Getting Methylgyloxal Back Into Cells Puts The Brakes On Cancer Cell Growth
5.A Strong Immune System Seeks Out And Destroys Cancer Cells
6.Eliminating Candida And Fungal Infections Vital For Getting Rid Of Cancer
7.Reducing Toxic Overload Vital For Successfully Fighting Cancer
8.Free Radical Scavengers Protect Cells From Damage
9.Increasing Enzyme Levels Can Wipe Out Cancer
10.Raising The Vibratory Level In The Body Disrupts Cancer Growth
11.Resolving Issues And Reducing Stress May Be Vital For Success Against Cancer

A natural and herbal approach to cancer is based on making the body healthier. This alternative cancer strategy is to strengthen a depleted, worn out, under energized immune system that is not capable of killing cancer cells as fast as they are multiplying.

This is part of changing the body's internal environment so cancer cells can't survive and so you will experience greater health in every way. You accomplish this by supporting the body's fight against cancer, by changing the body's internal environment to one that does not support the growth of cancer, and by directly attacking cancer cells.

You will learn about safe and effective supplements that deal with each cancer weakness mentioned in the web site. Products that can defeat cancer as they get at the underlying causes of cancer. That work on any and every cancer. Let's get started with the last one first...

A 10-Year Drive To Put The Brakes On Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a highly treatable disease that now has a survival rate of 85 percent. Yet more than 212,000 women are still diagnosed with the condition each year.

Since early diagnosis is an important key to successful treatment, doctors say it's important that all women over the age of 18 do a Breast Self-Exam (BSE) every month, two or three days after their menstrual cycle. In addition, women between 20 and 39 should have a clinical breast exam at least every three years and women 40 and older should have a mammogram every year.

For the past 10 years, BMW of North America has worked with The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation-the largest fund-raiser for breast cancer research in America-to help spread the message of early detection and to help ensure that breast cancer research continues. The groups' Ultimate Drive program has raised millions to help fund the efforts.

The initiative, fully underwritten by BMW, consists of two fleets of specifically badged BMWs making a cross-country trek, stopping in communities along the way to hold daylong events. People will be invited to test-drive the cars-at no cost to the participants-to raise money for breast cancer research, education and screening treatment programs.

The car company donates $1 directly to the Komen Foundation for each mile driven, along with whatever other proceeds are received from the program. Upon completion of every drive, each participant adds his or her own name to the Signature Vehicle-this year, a BMW 3-Series.

This year's goal is to raise over $1 million, bringing the program's 10-year total up to over $10 million. To help celebrate the initiative's 10th anniversary, the 240-stop cross-country trek has been expanded to include Alaska.

People can test-drive the cars to help fight breast cancer. They can also:

• Regularly conduct BSEs, have clinical exams and mammograms

• Stop smoking and stressing

• Get more exercise

• Cut or reduce their alcohol consumption

• Watch their diet. Try to eat plenty of olive oil, fruits, vegetables, grains, fresh fish and poultry.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Goals of chemotherapy

Your healthcare team will tell you why chemotherapy is a treatment option for you. A medical oncologist will explain your treatment plan. The chemotherapy can pursue the following objectives:

Destruction of Cancer
Chemotherapy, used alone or in combination with other treatments designed to destroy cancer cells in the body. Many types of cancer can be treated with a combination of chemotherapy drugs (combination chemotherapy).
Shrink a tumor before other treatments
Chemotherapy is sometimes used to shrink a tumor before surgery or radiotherapy (neoadjuvant chemotherapy).
Destruction of cancer cells after other treatments
Chemotherapy is often used in addition to surgery or radiation to destroy cancer cells that have escaped the scalpel or X-rays (adjuvant chemotherapy).
Preparation for bone marrow or stem cell
Some types of cancer can be treated by bone marrow or stem cells. High doses of chemotherapy drugs are used to destroy existing bone marrow before it is replaced by stem cells or bone marrow from a donor (ablative chemotherapy).
Relief of symptoms caused by cancer
Chemotherapy may be used to alleviate pain and other symptoms caused by cancer (palliative chemotherapy).

Monday, April 5, 2010

Symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare form of cancer that can develop and spread quickly, even during the early stages of the disease. This type of cancer can develop when breast cancer cells block the lymph vessels to help remove fluids, bacteria and other waste from breast tissue. It may then result in inflammation of the breasts. Unlike most breast cancers, which cause the appearance of one or several different solid tumors, inflammatory breast cancer tends to grow in layers or nests.

Symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer vary from person to person and can occur suddenly. Consult your doctor if you notice one or more of the following symptoms:

    * Changing the size or shape of the breast, the breast volume can take some time (for some women, the equivalent of a cup size bra in a few more weeks);
    * Boobs hot or warm to the touch;
    * Change in color or normal breast texture of the skin of the breast can become red, pink or bruised for no apparent reason (in whole or in patches);
    * Itchy breasts as ointments or creams can not relieve;
    * Sudden onset of a lump in the breast, but as inflammatory breast cancer tends to grow in layers instead of forming a solid tumor, a person with this type of cancer may not necessarily see the presence of a breast lump;
    * Swollen lymph nodes under the arm or above the clavicle;
    * Discharge from the nipple.

Symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer may be similar to a breast infection (mastitis), which can be treated successfully with antibiotics. If antibiotic treatment fails to relieve symptoms, it is important to consult your doctor again. Other tests may be needed to confirm or exclude a diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer.

Inflammatory breast cancer is usually detected by mammography or ultrasound unless a solid tumor has developed. The biopsy is the surest way to detect inflammatory breast cancer.

Treatment is often undertaken on the spot because inflammatory breast cancer can spread quickly. We usually use a combination of treatments: chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. As cancer cells proliferate in inflammatory breast all the breast tissue rather than concentrating in a single tumor, chemotherapy is often administered prior to surgery or radiotherapy.

Treatments for Breast Cancer

Before starting treatment, talk about contraception with your doctor. If you are in childbearing age, it is important to use contraception during treatment, even if your periods stop. You may still be fertile during this period and get pregnant. However, some treatments against cancer can affect fetal development.


The type of surgery will depend on the tumor location and size. During the intervention, there will be partial or total removal of the tumor and some surrounding healthy tissue. The operation will be performed under general anesthesia (you are asleep) and you will be hospitalized for several days after the operation.

Surgery is the treatment most often recommended in cases of breast cancer. The interventions are of two types:

    * Breast-conserving surgery (lumpectomy): removal of a breast tumor and some surrounding tissue, but not the entire breast;
    * Mastectomy: removal of the entire breast

During surgery, the surgeon generally removes some lymph nodes under the armpit to see if they contain cancer cells. This procedure is called axillary dissection. It could also offer a more recent technique, called sentinel node biopsy, which can reduce the number of nodes removed.

After surgery, it may be that you felt some pain or nausea, or you have no appetite. These side effects are temporary and can be mitigated. Depending on the amount of breast tissue removed and the location of the tumor, it may be that your breast no longer look the same after surgery. In some cases, it is possible to have breast reconstruction during the same operation, otherwise you will have the opportunity later.

Removal of lymph nodes under the armpit can cause an accumulation of lymph fluid and swelling in the arm and hand. This is called lymphedema.

Care practices and side effects after surgery


In external radiotherapy, using a large device that can direct a beam of radiation to the precise location of the tumor. The radiation damages the cells that are in the path of the beam - normal cells as cancer cells. In internal radiation therapy or brachytherapy, radioactive elements are placed directly into or near the tumor.

The lumpectomy is almost always followed by external radiation therapy to destroy any cancer cells that may still be present in the breast area. In some cases, the region of lymph nodes will also be treated. Sometimes use of radiotherapy after a mastectomy.

Side effects of radiation therapy are usually mild and vary by body part being treated. Perhaps you feel more tired than usual or notice that your skin looks different (it may be red or be sensitive to the touch) to the treated area. The nipple and the fold under the breast may also be sensitive or sore. These side effects result from damage to healthy cells, they usually fade away once the treatment is completed and the cells were regenerated. The radiation directed toward the armpit may increase the risk of lymphedema.

Side effects of radiotherapy


Chemotherapy can be administered as tablets or by injection. Chemotherapy drugs prevent the development and spread of cancer cells, but they also damage the cells that are healthy. Healthy cells can recover over time, but in the meantime, the treatment may cause some side effects at home, such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, hair loss and increased risk of infection .

Some chemotherapy drugs can affect fertility. If you plan to have children after treatment, discuss the options available to you with your doctor.

Side effects of chemotherapy


Hormones are chemical substances that are either naturally secreted by the human body, is synthesized in the laboratory. Hormone therapy is a treatment that removes hormones or your body that neutralizes the effects to prevent cancer cells from developing. You can change hormone levels with medication, with surgery or radiotherapy.

If the hormonal receptor status of the tumor that you are achieving is positive, your doctor may suggest to take hormone.

The hormonal drug can be administered as tablets or by injection, or both. Side effects vary from one drug to another. You may experience symptoms similar to those of menopause: irregular periods, hot flushes, vaginal irritation or loss. These effects can usually be mitigated or alleviated. They often disappear after treatment, but it may happen that the menopause is final.

Biological therapy

This form of breast cancer treatment involves using drugs to inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells and mobilize the body's immune system to destroy them.

Biological therapy may be indicated for women whose breast cancer has a high protein Her2. The drug is given by injection, sometimes in combination with chemotherapy. It can cause side effects similar to flu symptoms (fever, chills, nausea), headache, rash or heart problems.

Pain relief

See how you can mitigate and control the pain as discomfort, side effects and stress while you follow your treatments against cancer.

Coping with cancer
However, regardless of your (newly diagnosed cancer, current treatment or coach to a person with cancer), you will probably solve many practical problems, difficult decisions and manage a range of emotions.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

  It is likely that your doctor has suspected the presence of breast cancer:

    *      Due to an abnormality revealed by mammography screening;
    *      Because you would have reported a change in your breast or nipple;
    *      After examining your breasts and you have asked about your health and your personal and family medical history.

If you have a lump in one breast, your doctor palpated to determine the size, shape and texture, and check if it is easily mobile. Often, the masses are different from non-cancerous tumor masses to the touch. To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor will use some analysis, which will also establish the "stage" and "grade" (degree of malignancy) of cancer. It may be that you have to spend any of the following tests.

Imaging Techniques

These techniques allow to carry out a thorough examination of tissues, organs and bones. Radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography [CT] and bone scan are all means for your health care team to obtain an image of the tumor and whether it has spread. These tests are usually painless and do not require anesthesia.

Even if you had a mammogram screening, diagnostic mammography will be performed. During this procedure, we take more photographs of the breast that appeared abnormal on the mammogram. A mammogram can lead to discomfort and can even be painful because the breast is compressed between two plates of glass. You must remain still for less than a minute while taking mammograms.


A biopsy is usually required to establish with certainty a diagnosis of cancer. This procedure involves removing cells for examination under a microscope. If the cells are cancerous, it will then determine how quickly they multiply. There are several types of breast biopsies.

    *      The fine needle aspiration biopsy uses a thin needle to remove fluid or cells from the mass. The procedure is quick but can be uncomfortable because of breast tenderness.

    *      During a core needle biopsy, the doctor inserts a needle into a small incision in the breast to remove one or more samples of breast tissue. If necessary, we will use the ultrasound or X-ray to guide the needle into the ground and a local anesthetic will be used to numb the area under consideration. After the biopsy, it is possible that the breast is sensitive and bruises appear for a short period.

    *      A biopsy is a surgical procedure that involves removing part or all of a lump in one breast or breast tissue suspected. It may be of two types. During a biopsy incision, a sample is a mass or abnormal area. In an excisional biopsy, we remove the entire mass or suspicious tissue. The biopsy may take place either in the doctor's office or at the hospital, outpatient clinic (you will not spend the night in the hospital). A local anesthetic will be used to numb the area under consideration.

Laboratory Tests

If the sample used for the biopsy contains cancer cells, your doctor may request further analysis of breast tissue removed. These tests will have a better idea of the state of cancer and offer the best treatment options.

    *      The analysis of hormone receptor status is used to detect the presence of certain hormone receptors. The breast cancer cells bearing these receptors need estrogen and progesterone to grow. If there are hormone receptors in the biopsy sample, we say that the tumor is hormone dependent (hormone receptor positive). Knowing hormone receptor status of the tumor helps predict how it will evolve and whether it is likely to respond to hormonal therapy. The tumors are more common in a hormone-menopausal women.

    *      The test for detection of Her2 gene to verify the presence of an oncogene that regulates the protein called Her2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, or receptor 2 human epidermal growth factor). This protein is found on the surface of breast cells and stimulates their growth, some breast cancer cells contain much more than others. If there is an excessive amount of Her2 protein or copies of the gene that governs, we say that the tumor is Her2-positive. Breast Her2-positive do not evolve like other breast cancers and require special treatment.

    *      It could happen that blood tests are required. Using samples of your blood, it verifies the amount and appearance of different types of blood cells. The doctor can see whether your organs are functioning normally. Test results may also provide evidence suggesting the presence or absence of cancer and, where applicable, the spread of the disease.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Benefits and risks of screening for breast cancer

Virtually any test or procedure has both advantages and risks. What counts is to be informed to make fully informed choices appropriate decision for you.

No screening test is absolutely foolproof, but a good screening test reduces mortality in people with cancer.

Researchers are also trying to develop other positive aspects of screening, including improved quality of life and the use of less toxic treatment because of early detection of disease.
Benefits of regular screening

Early detection of cancer: In most cases, more cancer is detected, the better the chances of survival. Research indicates that women who have regular mammograms are more likely to survive cancer. Early detection may also help reduce the duration of treatment and convalescence. Studies have shown that breast tumors from women screened regularly by mammography are smaller and medium easier to treat.

Reduced anxiety due to the fact of "not knowing": Many people prefer to have regular tests for "verification", like a yearly review with the family doctor.
Risks of routine screening

False positive: When test results suggest the presence of cancer when it is not. False positive results can cause anxiety, stress and possibly other painful and unnecessary tests to disprove the initial results (that is to say for sure that you do not have cancer despite what could suggest the testing). For example, research has shown that screening for breast cancer in younger women can lead to many more false positive results. There are still doubts about whether regular mammograms for women under 50 years can save lives.

More information on screening for breast cancer during quarantine

False negative results: When cancer is actually present is not detected by the test. False negative results can take you, you or your doctor, to ignore other symptoms suggestive of cancer, thereby delaying diagnosis and treatment.

Overdiagnosis: Some cancers may never cause symptoms or decrease expectancy or quality of life. According to research, however, we know that most breast cancers are harmful and that the disease should be detected and treated as quickly as possible.

Increased exposure to toxic processes, such as very low doses of radiation during radiography.

Breast Cancer Screening

A clinical breast exam is a physical breast examination by a qualified health professional. Periodic clinical examinations may help in early detection of breast cancer.

If you are over 40 years, you should have a clinical breast exam every two years.

If your risk of breast cancer is higher than the average, you will probably undergo screening tests more often or at a younger age (before age 40). Check with your doctor about the best screening program for you.

More information on clinical breast examination
Mammography screening. Screening mammograms are performed in clinics and testing centers.

Mammography is a very low dose radiography of breast tissue. The mammograms provide detailed images of the breast from different angles. The breast is first placed between two plastic plates that are then pressed toward each other to flatten the breast. The procedure may cause some discomfort but it only takes a few seconds. Compression of breast tissue allows for clearer images while minimizing as much as possible the amount of radiation used. Discuss the risks and benefits of mammography with your doctor.

Screening programs for breast cancer vary from one province to another. All provinces have screening programs for women 50 to 69 years. You can make an appointment at one of these testing centers without prior recommendation of a physician.

For women 40 to 49 years, the situation is not as clearly defined. Depending on your province of residence, you may be able to have a mammogram if your doctor or nurse practitioner directs you to the program (after discussing with you the pros and cons of early detection). However, it is also possible that the testing program in your province just can not accept women aged 40 to 49 years in this case, you may need to see your doctor what is the best way to mammography.

Find a center for breast cancer screening near you.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Causes of Breast Cancer

Most women who develop breast cancer do not present a particular risk factor, except that of being a woman and getting older (especially after 50 years). Discuss your risk with your doctor.

Other possible risk factors:

    *  Having had breast cancer;

    * Family history of breast cancer (especially if the mother, sister or daughter has been diagnosed before menopause or if the presence of inherited mutations in certain genes such as BRCA1 or BRCA2);
    * Family history of ovarian cancer;
    * Exposure higher than average estrogen, hormones produced naturally by the body, among other things because you:
    * Have never had children or have given birth to your first child after age 30;
    * Had your first menstrual period at an early age;
    * Have reached menopause at an older age than average;
    * Have taken hormone replacement therapy (estrogen and progestin combined);
    * Dense breast tissue (proved in mammography);
    *  Previous biopsies showing certain breast changes, including a growing number of non-cancerous abnormal cells (atypical hyperplasia);
    *  radiation therapy to the breast (eg to treat Hodgkin's lymphoma), especially before the age of 30.

    * Some factors are slightly worsen the risk of breast cancer. Your personal risk could well be a bit higher if you:

    * Obese (especially after menopause);
    * Drink alcohol;
    * Taking oral contraceptives (the pill).
Breast cancer can sometimes grow in the absence of these risk factors. Most women affected have no family history of disease.

Breast cancer in men

Like women, men have breast tissue and may develop breast cancer. In Canada, less than 1% of all cases of breast cancer affecting men. The male breast cancer is most often diagnosed in men over 60 years, but the disease can occur at any age.

Breast cancer will develop equally in men and women, our information on risk factors, diagnosis, staging and treatment is the same for both sexes.

Breast Health starts with good knowledge of his own body to be more able to notice any changes that may cause a problem. The most common type of male breast cancer occurs in the breast ducts (ductal carcinoma); 

Symptoms usually include:

    * Small painless lump in the breast;
    * Slight nipple discharge.

Do not forget that most of the problems affecting the breasts are not cancerous; consulting a physician will determine the nature of the problem and the need for treatment.

If you are diagnosed with breast cancer and receive treatment, this may change the perception you have of your body and affect your sexuality. Whether you have a partner or not, it is not necessarily easy to talk about these issues and find information to help you live better situation. Feel free to share your thoughts with members of your team. They can direct you to resources where you can find information and support you need.

Inflammatory breast cancer

The inflammatory breast cancer is a rare form of cancer that can develop and spread quickly, even in the early stages of the disease. This type of cancer can occur when breast cancer cells block the lymph vessels to help remove fluids, bacteria and other waste from the breast tissue. It may then result in inflammation of the breasts. Unlike most breast cancers, which cause the appearance of one or several different solid tumors, the inflammatory breast cancer tends to grow in layers or nests.

Symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer vary from person to person and can occur suddenly. Consult your doctor if you notice one or more of the following symptoms:

    * Changing the size or shape of the breast, the breast can take in a short amount of time (for some women, the equivalent of a cup size bra in a few more weeks);

    * Boobs hot or warm to the touch;
    * Change in color or normal breast texture of the skin of the breast can become red, pink or bruised for no apparent reason (in whole or in patches);
    * Itching breasts as ointments or creams can not relieve;
    * Sudden onset of a lump in the breast, but as inflammatory breast cancer tends to grow in layers instead of forming a solid tumor, a person with this type of cancer may not necessarily see the presence of a breast lump;

    * Swollen lymph nodes under the arm or above the clavicle;
    * Nipple discharge.

Symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer can be similar to a breast infection (mastitis), which can be treated successfully with antibiotics. If antibiotic treatment fails to eliminate the symptoms, it is important to consult the doctor again. Other tests may be needed to confirm or exclude a diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer.

The inflammatory breast cancer is rarely detected through mammography or ultrasound, unless a solid tumor has developed. The biopsy is the surest way to detect an inflammatory breast cancer.

Treatment is often undertaken on the spot because inflammatory breast cancer can spread quickly. We usually use a combination of treatments: chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. As cancer cells proliferate inflammatory breast in all breast tissue rather than concentrating in a single tumor, often administered chemotherapy prior to surgery or radiotherapy.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Breast Cancer: acupuncture against hot flashes

The hot flashes caused by some treatments for breast cancer could be permanently reduced by acupuncture.

Acupuncture against hot flashes

According to the results of a U.S. clinical trial, acupuncture would help curb hot flashes and night sweats often caused by hormonal therapy for breast cancer. The benefits of this approach are also important and more durable than those made by drugs classically used to counteract these unpleasant side effects. Hot flashes caused by some cancer treatments can be alleviated by the administration of venlafaxine. However, this molecule has its own specific side effects: it causes a dry mouth, loss of appetite, nausea and constipation.

Acupuncture can relieve hot flashes associated with menopause, a team of American doctors had imagined it could also benefit patients in antitumor hormone. The hypothesis was tested in a small clinical trial. Fifty patients were divided randomly into two groups: the first group of women received the drug typically used to reduce hot flashes for twelve weeks. Those of the second group were treated by acupuncture, with two sessions per week for four weeks, then a weekly meeting the remaining eight weeks. Patients were then followed for one year.

Initially, it appeared that both treatment modalities were equally effective, leading one to the other as a reduction of 50% of episodes of hot flashes and mood changes associated. However, while the effect of drug treatment fades after only two weeks, one of acupuncture lasts up to three months. In addition, acupuncture is well tolerated by patients and not accompanied by side effects.

Before it can be definitively established that the benefit of acupuncture is superior to that of the administration of venlafaxine to relieve patients under hormone tumor, these results should be replicated on a larger group of patients.

You have a lump in the breast? do not panic!

Have a lump in the breast is mostly benign. But better to talk to the doctor, so as not to miss breast cancer. The simple characteristics of this lump in the breast can usually identify the origin.

A lump in the breast: is it a fibroadenoma. Has a mixture of glandular tissue and fibrous tissue, the fibroadenoma is common among young women from puberty until their thirties. It manifests as a ball can go from 1 to 5 cm. This ball is smooth, regular and elastic. It is mobile and slides under the finger. It can be single or multiple and become painful.

The lump in the breast tends to grow with hormonal changes, during menstruation, with the pill or pregnancy. The diagnosis of fibroadenoma is confirmed by ultrasound or mammography. In young women, monitoring is recommended. If aesthetic discomfort or pain, we can proceed with ablation. Among older women (beyond 35 years), removal is more common as a fibroadenoma can hide a small malignant tumor.

A lump in the breast: is it a cyst.

Single or multiple (in polycystic), the cyst is due to an expansion of a milk duct (leading milk). It is common among women age 40 until menopause (in the absence of hormone replacement therapy).

The size of the cyst is variable, ranging from a few millimeters to several centimeters, and varies depending on the hormonal cycle. This small lump in the breast is very limited, it is mobile to palpation (it rolls under the finger). Sometimes painful, it also has the characteristic of appearing suddenly.

The presence of a cyst does not require intervention in the vast majority of cases. If discomfort or pain, hormone therapy may be prescribed or the cyst emptied of its contents by aspiration cytology. In all cases, monitoring is needed.

A lump in the breast: is it a lipoma?

The lipoma is a fatty tissue mass. This mass is also of regular and smooth contour. Mobile, it deforms easily under the fingers. The lipoma does not require intervention.

A lump in the breast: Is it cancer?

If it is cancer, the characteristics are very different: the ball is hard, its contours are irregular and it is not mobile because the ball adheres to fabrics. Sometimes the ball changes the shape of the breast. It is necessary to consult their doctor or gynecologist.

In conclusion, a lump in the breast is mostly benign and does not require that surveillance. However, it may be breast cancer. Therefore, any lump in the breast requires a consultation to identify clearly the origin.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lung cancer when radon invites himself home

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas accounts for 9% of annual deaths from lung cancer in Europe. This carcinogen kills miners for centuries. But it is also present in our homes, where, even at low doses, it is particularly dangerous.

Radon is a carcinogen

For the French population exposure to radon is a major source of exposure to ionizing radiation. Radon is a radioactive gas that is naturally concentrated in poorly ventilated habitats. And we spend 90% of our lives in buildings, 70% at home. But radon is a lung carcinogen. He represents the 2nd cause of lung cancer. Although it lags far behind smoking, radon is responsible for approximately 9% of deaths from lung cancer in Europe. In France, the annual number of deaths from lung cancer is attributable to residential exposure to radon vary from 1234 to 2913, ie 5 to 12% of the 25,134 deaths from lung cancer in France.

Low doses of radon enough ...

According to one analysis identified in an article published in the Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin (BEH), the risk of lung cancer increases by 8.4% for every increase of 100 Bq/m3 the measured concentration of radon, which is adjusted an increase of 16%. But in the homes of people with cancer, the average concentration of radon is 104 Bq/m3 cons 97 Bq/m3 in the control group. Thus, most deaths are attributable to exposures well below 200 Bq/m3: 47% occur among 76% of French who are exposed to concentrations at 0 and 99 Bq/m3, 27% among those exposed to 9% over 200 Bq/m3. If we divided the subjects into groups according to concentrations of radon to which they are exposed, we find a linear relationship between cancer risk and cumulative dose. In other words, there is no threshold of dangerousness. The risk is almost the same for concentrations between 100 and 200 Bq/m3 and for concentrations below 100 Bq/m3.

In France, the average exposure is 90 Bq/m3, with lower concentrations in urban areas than in rural areas. Some departments were classified with high potential for radon. This is particularly the case of Brittany and Corsica where radon is responsible for 20% of annual deaths from lung cancer.

Please note that smoking is a powerful co-risk factor, especially since it is ubiquitous.

Protection against radon

The impact of radon exposure on the health of the population requires the implementation of policy actions. The Nuclear Safety Authority (NSA) has developed an action plan for 2005-2008 interdepartmental coordinating the actions of various national bodies involved in this field. It is organized around 3 themes:

- Construct a new policy for risk management of radon in existing houses and new construction;
- Supporting and monitoring the implementation of regulations for managing the risk associated with radon in public places;
- Improve and disseminate knowledge about exposures and risks associated with radon.

Note that exposures can be significantly reduced in homes by means often simple:

* Increase the level of aeration.
* Breakdown under floors.
* Installation of barrier antiradon.
* Sealing of soils.
* Boucher cracks.
* Avoid porous materials.
* For new homes: building pressure with double ventilation system sumps and connected to an extractor to pump the radon coming from the basement to the outside.

Note that there are devices for measuring the concentration of radon in his apartment. They are "dosimeters" that can be purchased from one company that sells (Algade, Dosirad, Saphymo). You can also use a professional.

Statins: cholesterol cons and lung cancer!

Smokers who have too much cholesterol they have better luck? In any case they would more than other smokers. Why? Because they take a statin, an anti-cholesterol, and that this molecule also protects against lung cancer!

Statins and cancer

Smokers are the luckiest paradoxically those who suffer from high cholesterol because treatment confers protection against lung cancer.
The description of this new effect of statins is particularly interesting because except smoking cessation, we do not currently have any weapons preventive from this terrible cancer.

Lung cancer

Each year there are 28,000 new cases of lung cancer and nearly 150,000 deaths (or 26 times more than road fatalities). In 95% cases it is caused by tobacco. Smokers and former smokers are the most concerned, but also non-smokers from passive smoking victims.

A 55% reduction in risk of lung cancer in statin

This study examined a population of approximately 480,000 persons followed in a clinic for veterans between 1998 and 2004. Lung cancer was reported in 7280 of these subjects (1.5%) and 164,000 were receiving treatment with statins (34%). Among subjects in whom lung cancer was reported, 27% were taking a statin, against 34% of those without cancer. Regardless of all the risks that may affect the risk of lung cancer (smoking, age, sex, weight, diabetes, alcohol consumption ...), we see that taking a statin for more than 6 months is associated with a 55% reduction in risk of lung cancer. This effect of statins appears from treatment over 6 months. Then, it seems that more processing time is longer, the protective effect tends to increase. In contrast, the type of statin and dosage does not seem to intervene in this study.

These data are important and are similar to those obtained for other statins on cancer. Studies should continue on the protection afforded by statins against tumors. It is at least a good reason for motivation for those who take a statin daily.

Lung cancer: It also affects non-smokers

Lung cancer also affects people who have never smoked. However, the lung tumors of these patients are generally not the same as those of smokers.

Lung cancer is different in smokers and nonsmokers

If smoking is the most important risk factors for lung cancer, the disease also affects non smokers. It is estimated that 15% of patients with lung cancer have never smoked. However, as an increasing number of data suggests, lung cancer non-smokers are often different from those diagnosed in smokers: the abnormalities observed in cancer cells of these two categories of patients are not the same.

What are the risk factors of lung cancer among non-smokers?

Side risk factor, it is well established that passive smoking and exposure to radon pollution play an important role in the occurrence of lung cancer in nonsmokers. Exposure to asbestos, wood smoke and fumes of cooking oil could also pose a risk. However, all of these factors can explain only half of cases of lung cancers diagnosed among non-smokers.

The treatment of lung cancer is different there too?

Later treatment, it appears already that certain drugs are more targeted therapy effective in non-smokers. This is particularly the case of "inhibitors of EGFR (Epidermic Growth Factor Receptor). But a better understanding of the molecular characteristics of tumors developing in people who never smoked could lead to an improvement in their care. It would not only choose treatments best suited among those existing, but also to develop new therapeutic molecules specifically targeting tumors from smokers.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Most common treatment for breast cancer

With advances in research, there are many options for treating breast cancer and you are invited to choose depends on several factors. Recently, scientists have claimed that it represents a new line, found a possible treatment for breast cancer. Currently, there is a combination of treatments. The main treatments are surgery, hormone therapy, biological (Herceptin), radiotherapy and chemotherapy. They can be used individually or in combination, depending on several factors, as noted:

type of breast cancer today
menopause, whether or not there
Tumor size
Degree of cancer cells
stage cancer
whether specific receptors,
general health of the patient

All of these factors are taken into account, which must be taken to the doctor.

Cancer is a class or classes in order to classify and evaluate the tumor, and doctors decided to give appropriate treatment. Given the stage of breast cancer, whether the cancer has spread and how it grew. This note, as well as cancer cells appear when viewed through a microscope. There are three levels: low (level 1, the slow-growing), intermediate (class 2) and high-class (class 3), rapidly growing tumors. They have a higher risk of returning to the first treatment, and if the operation took place around the tumor come from the tax will probably prescribe chemotherapy to destroy remaining cancer cells and thus reduce the risk of return. Grades and stages of breast cancer provide a general rule, as it is impossible to generalize how tumors will behave.

If the cancer is localized to the breast and underarm lymph nodes, and then spread to my treatment without surgery and chemotherapy and radiotherapy in combination with other treatment methods. Most people, however, begin treatment with surgery, and there are different types of operations that May be offered depending on the location and size of tumors. Mastectomy when the entire breast removed with a possible reconstruction, later. Lumpectomy removed when the tumor itself, together with a small amount of surrounding breast tissue. And, of course, radiation is concentrated on the chest, is likely to be invited.

There are many factors that will be offered alternative treatment, especially as the patient feels his options after selecting the appropriate treatment. There is no right or wrong answer to this decision, and every woman feels differently. It can be overwhelming, removes the entire breast, even if it might be desirable to have a lumpectomy with radiation therapy for some women. Some believe that they do not want radiation therapy, while others will choose them if you stuck to your chest.

There are different types of breast cancer and other cancers in general. Mesothelioma cancer is a very different type of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma Symptoms include chest pain, such as general, shortness of breath and cough. Symptoms of breast cancer, and specific things that, including in-depth on the skin, changes shape and size of the breast, thickening or lump in the breast, nipple, irregular, especially when the internal problems, such as in, pulled out a rash on the nipple or area, colored discharge (blood), lump or swelling in the armpit.

There are many facts about breast cancer, functions, symptoms and treatment of breast cancer, but not knowledge and research, there are many variants, suffer from this disease.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Alternative treatment for breast cancer

It is gratifying to know at least something like the subject of cancer, diseases, and special courses in the laboratory, constantly in the minds of many good scientists, physicians and oncologists. This is a breakthrough on different levels of advanced cancer drug breakthrough excellent news for the treatment of this deadly malignancy. Some of the latest innovations in modern cancer include ultrasound (successful in detecting and treating prostate cancer), as well as advanced forms of isolated performances that help significantly unique forms of treatment, which may then be proposed.

Scientists worldwide are studying, practice different techniques to get a better understanding of different and various forms of cancer and how it can best be treated. The trend away from formal methods of radiation and surgery is inevitable in full swing, with exciting new developments coming into the center of attention all the time. This, together with other medicines and holistic therapy really is growing in popularity, that is the essence of the spirit of alternative treatments for breast cancer.

The only way that some people do not realize that such an approach is an alternative therapy for cancer. Since it is known that chemotherapy and surgery, as well as hard drugs such as morphine, are traditionally the exclusive means for the treatment of cancer and the result is still very much about life or death. This misunderstanding can not be ignored, because it proves that there are other alternatives as effective, especially for such as breast cancer.

For a complete list of available clinics and programs, to seek wise, first with your physician to find or detect any anomalies, as well as exploring many alternatives. With this collective approach to professional evaluation to the best knowledge of your body, you are much better and stronger position in all the necessary resources to use in their fight against the disease.

How cancer affects every organ in the body, if it spreads, it is known as metastasis, is often a much bigger problem if unrecognized and untreated, and it's important for women to thermograph. Alternative medicine is afraid of mammography. Furthermore, as men, it is equally important for the proper screening for prostate cancer, so it is caught before it is even the possibility of proliferation.

Through the use of cancer drug breakthrough in the form of alternative therapy, diet and exercise program, chemotherapy, and when she needed surgery and, if absolutely necessary, that, in the stages of cancer the way will be derived from existence. I just know that there are other alternatives out there to take over some of the burden of this disease on individuals and families.

It should be noted that a lifestyle change just the thing to be able to contribute to the fight against this disease and that it is not impossible, with the help of a qualified nutritionist or dietician in order to offer better food for the entire system. This, combined with regular exercise and relaxation, like meditation and deep breathing can benefit the growth of cells in the body, and May even bring harmony and diseased cells. What would you like to look for cancer, it is important to treat them seriously, while at the same time, if at all possible, even more quietly.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Important factors in breast cancer survivors

Individuals who have been identified and forecast to have breast cancer, restoring a shock in the early afternoon. Fortunately, the shock wears off, and get support. That's good, because the support is exactly what cancer patient needs at this critical moment in his life. This support can be provided to friends, family or even support groups.

Treatment of breast cancer is much better than in the past, thankfully. There are a number of factors for the success of treatment depends, however, there is a problem. The patient must be strong enough to be subjected to the treatment provided for testing. That is, they are emotional and physical preparation.

Cancer is not the only requirement. In fact, all cancer cells, perhaps in some parts of the body. There are several factors that May cause effects on these cells, one of which has a weakened immune system.

This is not the only reason for people developing breast cancer, though. As May have guessed, there are some hereditary causes. For example, it May be that is passed from ancestors. There is a process, of course, but still open for treatment, because May seems.

Sometimes treatment for breast cancer causes more harm than good. He has more than one person, which ended with a disease associated with the treatment itself. Complications often, especially when the immune system is weakened by chemotherapy.

There are several alternative treatments for breast cancer, you can see. Alternative methods of treatment and the more traditional can be separated. These are the things you need to go to the doctor, at some point.

Breast cancer can be serious, or it May be less serious, but in any case must be know. You must know what is happening in your body and you know as soon as possible. Support groups at every step, and if they do not want to go home, you can always use it, leaving support groups. There is always someone willing to help, you should find them.

If you want to be cured of their disease, then you should take steps to reduce stress in your life and make sure it is healthy. That is, they should be in the full sense of the word, to be good. His world and not afraid. This is where support groups come in, and you will be especially useful in this painful time.

Delaying the tendency of people only exacerbates the problem of breast cancer. Does it only hurts you! Do not let him go, and I think that the problem is resolved. Get the help you need! Increased significantly with the proper attention and care, the chances of getting the form of exploitation.